By Kasey Mock, Account Manager - Texas Pines & Prairies
The 1989 movie Field of Dreams tells the story of an Iowa corn farmer played by Kevin Costner who felt lead to build a baseball diamond in his fields. Those who have seen the classic film will recall the famous line: "If you build it, they will come." Now, pretend you are Kevin Costner, and the Black Sox represent local wildlife populations. Rather than looking for a place to play ball, they are searching for a steady supply of food and water that is quickly vanishing from many parts of the state.
"If you build it, they will come" is never truer than in a serious drought. La Nina has taken its tool on the Lone Star State leaving dry tanks and limited forage in its wake And despite the recent rains, there will be no quick fix for the ravages left in La Nina's wake. Wildlife and domestic animals alike are still actively searching throughout the day for food, water, and shelter, needs that Plateau is helping Wildlife Management property owners supply.
We have received many emails from clients sharing their success stories during the drought. Client reports of the first sightings of Bobwhite quail in over a decade, more and bigger deer, and increased diversity have been common threads as animals are forced to leave over-grazed pastures in search of the basic necessities.
"Great news Kasey, I saw a pair of Bobwhite Quail at 12:10 today, Sunday, August 28, 2011. This is the first we've seen in over ten years on the property! - Bob"
"Ever since June we have noticed several new big bucks showing up at one of our water tanks at dusk just about every night. We don't put out food, but they have adequate browse and forbs on the property." - Carolyn
These are just two examples of the results Plateau clients are experiencing in Texas. By managing pastures to promote native plants, providing a quality supplemental food source, and, most importantly providing a dependable source of clean water, property owners are doing their part to supply the three basic necessities to local wildlife.
As property owners and managers, we bear the responsibility to be good stewards of these resources. Stewardship is defined as the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially, the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. I would encourage you to do a quick evaluation of your management activities. If your wildlife numbers have decreased this is a sign that you could be doing more to supply their needs.
Have you seen more wildlife this year? Send us your stories! Email plateau@plateauwildlife.com.
Plateau has a full line of products and services designed to help you better manage these resources while improving your property and marinating a favorable tax valuation. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.
Labels: texas drought, wildlifre
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